Your search for all items in the catergory Profiles
Title: Tamar Yellin
Category: Bradford
Description: Tamar Yellin, children's author and writer talks about her Bradford Jewish connection. (Interview David David)
Title: Stephen Fry
Category: Miscellaneous
Description: An emotional Stephen Fry had tears rolling down his cheeks as he retraced his Jewish roots in the BBC series Who Do You Think You Are?
Title: Rudi Leavor
Category: Bradford
Description: Ruid Leavor recounts his escape from Nazi Berlin to Bradford with his family. (Interview and photograph David David)
Title: Roy Stroud OBE
Category: Bradford
Description: Roy Stroud OBE, recalls how his grandfather was the first Bradford Rabbi and his family's work in the famous Bradford textile industry.
Title: Rachel Goulcher
Category: Bradford
Description: Rachel Goulcher gives her experiences of living in Bradford
Title: Rachel
Category: Bradford
Description: Rachel, a teacher, talks about her Bradford Jewish connection. (Interview and Photograph, David David)